Blog Archive

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Good Practice Forum May 20th 2014

Using Blogs for Peer Assessment 

To discuss use of blogs to facilitate peer assessment

To evaluate use of peer assessment
To evaluate use of online peer assessment
To show evidence of own online peer assessment

Why use Peer Assessment? 

Why use an online form of Peer Assessment?

Why use Peer Assessment in blogs?

Here is your own peer assessment section. Answer the following questions and send to this post as a comment: 
  • Immediate reflection from the training? 
  • What did you see modelled from the trainer that you will take away? 
  • What will you do now (SMART targets to change practice)? 
  • What was the impact of the changes? 

These questions are taken directly from the online critical reflection on the Teaching and learning Section on Blackboard. So by adding your comments, you will have completed the information necessary for your reflection. Simply copy and add the link shown at the end of this training session.


thedannyallanband said...

Kevin, gave us the opportunity to reflect on the training by making reflection part of the training session. I can immediately see the positive implications of using peer reflection through blogging.

What did you see modelled from the trainer that you will take away? - Kevin discussed that he makes blogging, peer reflection sessions part of the course. This will encourage students to engage with blogging and the new learning.

What will you do now (SMART targets to change practice)? - I will consider using peer assessment blogs for future peer assessments.

Unknown said...

Training was light and good-natured and pitched well to the people in the room. It can be a good tool for tracking students and I can see where it would be useful for music.

Using the blogs and adding content other than that used in the 'normal' lesson.

I will open a blog account and make a first post by Friday and make a link that can be used by others.

The impact could be that students will use it and enjoy it themselves.

Unknown said...

The training was informative and friendly, opened up a wealth of possibilities for learners to give peer feedback, record this and reflect on what they recorded. Most useful considering the majority of our learners already sue and are skilled in applying social media.

I would take the idea of how Kevin uses the blog system to help his learners (notably his level 1 learners) engage with feedback and making the experience enjoyable.

I Will :
Create a blog to which my learners have access to use as a test vehicle by September 2014

Review my Schemes of work to identify opportunities for inclusion of blog based assessmnet and peer assessment by September.

Indicators for change:
Longer term engagement by learners with the self reflection process